Black Tiger

A heroic adventure through a treacherous fantasy world

Released by Capcom in 1987, Black Tiger combines platforming, exploration, and intense combat to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience filled with danger and excitement.


In Black Tiger, players assume the role of a brave warrior on a quest to rescue the kidnapped princess and restore peace to the land. Armed with a powerful sword, players must traverse through labyrinthine levels filled with deadly enemies, traps, and powerful bosses.

The game offers non-linear gameplay, allowing players to explore the interconnected stages in any order they choose. Along the way, players can collect gold and treasures, which can

How to Play

Playing Black Tiger requires skilful platforming, precise combat, and strategic decision-making. Players control the warrior's movements using the joystick, allowing them to run, jump, and climb through the levels. The warrior is armed with a sword, which can be used to defeat enemies and break open treasure chests.

Throughout the levels, players will encounter various enemies, including monsters, demons, and fierce bosses. Timing is crucial in combat, as players must carefully strike enemies while evading their attacks. Defeating enemies rewards players with gold and occasionally valuable items.

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