
The Forest is Crawling with Critter Chaos!

The player controls a gun that can only move in the bottom fifth of the screen. The object is to shoot a centipede that works its way down to the player area through a field of mushrooms. Other attacking enemies are fleas, spiders, and scorpions.

This was the first arcade games to be designed by a woman, Dona Bailey, and was one of the first arcade coin-operated games to have a significant female player base after Pac-Man.


The object of the game is to destroy as many enemies as possible. During every level, you must destroy all the segments of a centipede.

How to Play

Once the centipede enters the bottom area of the screen where the gun moves, the player is in danger of colliding with the centipede. The centipede will break into pieces as its segments are shot.

Once it makes it to the bottom of the screen, it heads back up until it reaches the top of the player zone. It then repeats the process. Once the centipede has hit the bottom of the screen, new segments are created that move within the player zone. When a centipede segment hits a mushroom or another segment, it reverses direction.

Once inside all arcade games are Free to Play!

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