Bionic Commando

The world is facing ultimate destruction!

Super Joe traverses through five levels from a forest to a base, in order to stop a threatening armed force. Super Joe is equipped with a bionic arm featuring a grappling gun, allowing him to pull himself forward or swing from the ceiling.

  • 1987
  • Capcom
  • 2 Players
  • action
  • Available At


The story takes place ten years after an unspecified World War between two warring factions. The game follows a commando who must infiltrate an enemy base and foil the enemy's plot to launch missiles. The hero must stop a missile from launching and then fight the final boss, the leader of the enemy forces, guarded by an armed bodyguard.

How to Play

Unlike most platform games, the player is unable to jump, instead navigating the level via the use of a mechanical arm that can pull him up ledges. The arm may also be used to collect pickups.

Prizes like points and power-ups can only be obtained from crates that come on the screen in a parachute, which can be revealed by shooting them. Unlike most of the later games, the player cannot use the arm and shoot at the same time, the arm cannot be used in the air and the only power-ups are weapon enhancements.

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