Blade Strangers

A malevolent force known only as Lina is devouring data from a vast, interdimensional network of servers overseen by sentient computers called ”motes.” In desperation, the motes summon heroes from a variety of parallel game worlds to face off against each other in one-on-one combat.

  • 2018
  • Nicalis
  • 2 Players
  • Action, Fighting
  • Available At
Piaa originally made her debut in a rather obscure PS1 game called Doki Doki Poyacchio. That never released overseas, making Blade Strangers her English-language debut.


A malevolent force known only as Lina is devouring data from a vast, interdimensional network of servers overseen by sentient computers called ”motes.” In desperation, the motes summon heroes from a variety of parallel game worlds to face off against each other in one-on-one combat. The tournament victor has the potential to be awakened as the Blade Stranger—the savior who can vanquish Lina and protect the motes from further harm!

Blade Strangers is a hardcore old-school fighting game. The streamlined four-button control scheme makes it easy for beginners to deal out damage from day one…but the intricate combos, counters and specials give tournament-caliber players plenty of opportunities for frame counting, chain construction and hit-box science.

How to Play

Gameplay in Blade Strangers takes place on a 2D plane and features two characters battling one another until one character's health is depleted, causing them to lose the match. The game avoids the use of more complex directional inputs seen in other fighting games; instead, players perform various attacks and special moves by pressing a single directional input in combination with one or more of the four attack buttons. During battle, players can build their super meter by dealing or receiving damage, which can be used to enhance their special moves or perform powerful super attacks. When a player character's health depletes below a certain level, the player is able to activate a temporary "Heat Up!" state. This can only be used once per round for a short time, and will increase the player character's attack speed while preventing opponents from interrupting the player's attacks.

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