Arcade Club On Tour!

Radar Festival 2023

Music, tech and gaming collide at Radar Festival 2023! Some of the biggest music acts on Alt-Metal scene descended on Manchester for a weekend of crunchy guitar-led melodies and hardcore gaming - And we were there for the ride! 

Picture this: a stage bathed in electric blue lights, smoke billowing, and the ground quaking beneath the weight of the intense guitar riffs and thunderous drum beats. Bands from around the globe converge to unleash a sonic onslaught that will leave your eardrums begging for mercy – in the best way possible, of course!

That’s Radar Festival.

Need more of a mental image? No problem!

Imagine a world where the thunderous roars of heavy metal collide with the dazzling lights of cutting-edge technology, and video games come to life in a symphony of epic proportions.

That’s Radar Festival.

We were there offering the festival visitors our own little slice of gaming goodness. So too were Scan computers exhibiting some of the hottest gaming rigs on the market right now. So too were Trepang Studios, who’s new game Trepang2, a spiritual sequel to popular F.E.A.R series, was available for all to play. Music and gaming sat side by side in a wholesome union of, dare we say it, art, celebrated by everyone in attendance for the sheer joy of doing so.

In the tapestry of human existence, passions form the threads that weave the very essence of our being. From the rhythmic beats that make our hearts race to the digital realms that captivate our imagination, passions come in many forms. When these two passions converge, a symphony of emotions and experiences is unveiled, creating a unique and mesmerising journey.

Music, as an art form, is a language that needs no translation. It speaks to the depths of our souls, evoking emotions that range from heartache to elation. When married with the interactive narratives of video games, this language becomes an intricate brush that paints the emotions of the player onto the canvas of the virtual world.

I know, really! Like reign it in little right!?

Now its easy to be cynical about all of above. They’re just bands playing music after all. Just video games, some created over 40 years ago back when the medium wasn’t even considered to be something approaching art.

Or maybe they’re something more. Maybe. 

Our passions are what guide us. It was passion that led to the very creation of Arcade Club. It was passion that led to Yu Suzuki sleeping under his desk while developing Outrun, and its games like Outrun, that the developers of tomorrow played when they were young, which led to their careers in games development. Careers that have led to games like Shadow of the Colossus, Okami and the Last of Us, all of which shining examples of games most consider by all accounts to be “Art”.

So too was it passion for the music that led to any young would-be guitarist picking up the instrument in the first place. Passion drives art, and art drives passion, and events like Radar allow for these passions to be celebrated. Whether you're exchanging strategies with fellow gamers or engaging in a heated debate about the best metal album of all time, you're part of a community that celebrates the extraordinary.

Arcade games are great (obviously!) but over here at Arcade Club we’re pretty keen on music too. So having the opportunity to marry the two even for just a weekend, yeah we’ll happily take that.