Europe’s Largest Arcade
Ela Mill
Cork Street
The player controls Mappy, the "Micro Police, a police-mouse whose job is to collect valuables from a cat's house one has to surmise that he is retrieving stolen goods.
In hot pursuit of our hero is a gang of five pink cats called Meowsky or "Naughty Folks" and a large red fat cat called Goro or "Boss The Big Bit".
Consists of trying to recover a set of stolen goods from a house apparently owned by cats, one of whom is a boss Goro.
Treasures two each / Value points
tape player - 100
television - 200
computer - 300
painting - 400
safe - 500
Other sources of points include bouncing on a trampoline 10 points, striking a cat with a door 50 points, 0 points if they hit a door on their own, microwaving cats 200 per cat and multiply by two if you get Goro, retrieving a treasure with Goro behind it 1000 point bonus, striking cats with a bell 300 for Meowsky, 1000 for Goro, and dropping cats through a hole in the floor unknown value.
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