Bank Panic

Outwit the Outlaws!

Bank Panic is a classic arcade game that puts players in the shoes of a heroic bank teller tasked with protecting the bank from a wave of robbers. Released by Sega in 1984, Bank Panic offers fast-paced gameplay, challenging decision-making, and addictive action, making it a beloved title in the arcade gaming world.


In Bank Panic, players assume the role of a vigilant bank teller, stationed behind a row of six doors representing different bank counters. As customers enter the bank, they approach the doors and display symbols representing their intentions. The player must quickly assess the situation and decide which door to open or close to prevent robberies and ensure the safety of the bank.

Bank Panic features a single-player mode with multiple levels of increasing difficulty, keeping players engaged and challenged. The game's simple yet addictive gameplay, combined with its retro visuals and lively sound effects, creates a nostalgic and captivating experience for arcade enthusiasts.

How to Play

Playing Bank Panic is straightforward but requires quick thinking and good reflexes. Players control the bank teller's actions using a joystick, allowing them to move left and right along the row of doors. Each door is associated with a specific button, and players press the corresponding button to open or close the door.

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