
Embark on a magical adventure in the enchanting world of "Wardner." Developed by Toaplan and released in 1987, this classic arcade game combines platforming and action elements to deliver a captivating gameplay experience. As the brave warrior Wardner, you'll navigate treacherous landscapes, battle fearsome creatures, and rescue the captured princess from the clutches of evil. With its charming visuals, challenging gameplay, and memorable soundtrack, "Wardner" is a nostalgic journey that will test your skills and captivate your imagination.


"Wardner" is a side-scrolling action-platformer where you take on the role of the heroic warrior on a mission to rescue the kidnapped princess. Explore mystical forests, ancient ruins, and perilous dungeons as you face off against a variety of enemies and obstacles.

Armed with a magical wand, you'll unleash powerful spells and attack foes that stand in your way. Collect power-ups and discover hidden treasures to enhance your abilities and increase your chances of success. Traverse through diverse levels, each with its own unique challenges and boss encounters.

As you progress, you'll encounter challenging platforming sections, cunning enemies, and strategic puzzles that will test your reflexes and problem-solving skills. Jump over bottomless pits, dodge enemy attacks, and navigate intricate mazes to reach your goal.

How to Play

Prepare yourself for a memorable adventure in "Wardner." Traverse mystical realms, face formidable foes, and rescue the captive princess in this captivating action-platformer. With its engaging gameplay, charming visuals, and challenging levels, "Wardner" will transport you to a world of magic and excitement!

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