Super Buster Bros

Super Buster Bros., released as Super Pang (スーパーパン) outside of North America, is a cooperative two-player shooting puzzle arcade video game.

  • 1990
  • Mitchell
  • 2 Players
  • shooter
  • Available At


The object of the game is to use a gun to pop bubbles that bounce around the screen. There are two different modes: Panic mode and Arcade mode. Similarly to Asteroids, when a player pops a bubble, it splits into two smaller bubbles. Sufficiently small bubbles simply vaporize when popped. Occasionally, monsters walk or fly on to the screen. When the player character touches a monster, they die. Monsters can also pop bubbles. Powerups are found by popping certain bubbles, shooting boxes, or shooting certain unmarked spots in the level. The gun power-ups cannot be used in conjunction with each other.

How to Play

Control one of the Buster brothers and use your weapon to fight off the enemies. Bubbles which are hit then split into two smaller bubbles which disappear once hit again. Avoid being touched by the bubbles and destroy them all to clear the round.

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