Karate Champ

The Way of the Empty Hand

The player assumes the role of a karate competitor and fights against another player or the computer. Using two joysticks, players can execute a number of moves.

  • 1984
  • Data East
  • 2 Players
  • Fighting
  • Available At
A little known fact about Karate Champ is that while the game was published by Data East, the game was actually created by Technos Japan Corp.


Gameplay consists of a two dimensional fight between Karate characters wearing white and red gi, followed by various bonus rounds for the successful player. This pattern repeats itself in the next, more challenging round set against a new background.

How to Play

At the beginning of the game, you will practice your karate techniques. During the practice stage, you score points by doing each of the moves correctly.

Unlike most later fighter-type games, there are no health bar or hit points. A hit successfully landed ends the round and earns the player or his opponent either one point or half point (along with a numeric score for the top ten but this has no effect on winning a match per se). The first to score two points is the winner. If the player loses a battle, the game ends.

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