Kung-Fu Master

A Kung-Fu master, Thomas and Silvia were suddenly attacked by several unknown guys.

The players control Thomas, the titular Kung-Fu Master, as he fights his way through the five levels of the Devil's Temple in order to rescue his girlfriend Sylvia from the mysterious crime boss Mr. X.

The game was initially released in Japan under the title of Spartan X (スパルタンX Suparutan X) as a tie-in based on the Jackie Chan film Wheels on Meals; however, the game has no bearing on the plot of the film outside the names of the protagonist and his girlfriend, allowing Irem to export the game without the license by simply changing the title.

How to Play

The player controls Thomas with a four-way joystick and two attack buttons for punching and kick. Unlike more conventional side-scrolling games, the joystick is used not only to crouch, but also to jump. Punches and kicks can be performed from a standing, crouching or jumping position. Punches award more points than kicks and do more damage, but their range is shorter.

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