This game is not currently available to play at our venues. We hope to see it return soon!

Super Punch-out!!

Take On The Champ

This is a boxing game where you attempt to defeat five different champions, Bear Hugger, Dragon Chan, Vodka Drunkenski, Great Tiger and Super Macho Man. If you defeat all five, you become the champion and defend your title against the same five characters.

  • 1984
  • Nintendo
  • 1 Player
  • Fighting, Sports
  • Available At
The last of these three characters was renamed "Soda Popinski" in order to eliminate direct alcohol references in a child/family-friendly game; however, he is depicted as drinking between rounds, and several of his taunts refer obliquely to drunkenness and drunk driving.

How to Play

Similar to Punch-Out!! but now the player can duck by pulling up -- not merely pressing up -- on the joystick. This move is required to dodge Super Macho Man's special punch and Dragon Chan's Jumping Kick from the turnbuckles.

Once inside all arcade games are Free to Play!

Please Note: Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that a particular machine is available at your chosen location, on a particular day. We regularly need to rotate arcades in to and out of service to keep them in good condition and extend their lives.

Available At

This game is not currently available for play at any of our venues.
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