The New Zealand Story

The leopard seal is selling kiwis in various places

Tiki the kiwi who must save his lover Phee Phee and several of his other kiwi chick friends who have been kiwi-napped by a large blue leopard seal.

In some copies of the Amiga version, the code for level skipping and unlimited lives was "mother******kiwi********". The code was changed to "fluffykiwis" in other versions


The goal of each level is to safely get Tiki through the level, avoiding enemy fire and spikes, and rescue one of his kiwi friends at the end.

How to Play

The weaponry starts out as an endless supply of arrows, but pickups can change these into bombs, lasers or bouncing fireballs. These act a little differently, and what is useful depends upon the player's location. A distinctive feature of this game is the ability to ride a variety of flying vehicles, including balloons, blimps and UFOs. Vehicles can be found ready for use or can be stolen from an enemy.

Once inside all arcade games are Free to Play!

Please Note: Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that a particular machine is available at your chosen location, on a particular day. We regularly need to rotate arcades in to and out of service to keep them in good condition and extend their lives.

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The content within the Arcade Club Game Library database is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

You may share and adapt freely where existing copyright restrictions do not apply. Please do not link directly to media.